Slum dwellers strategise through SDI Southern African hub ahead of World Urban Forum
Twice a year, representatives of SDI’s Southern African urban poor federations (Namibia, South Africa, Botswana, Malawi, Zimbabwe, Swaziland and Zambia) gather as a regional “hub” to strategise, report, share challenges, and plan for mutual learning. The recent Southern African SDI hub took place between 15 and 18 November 2017 in Johannesburg. Given the timing of the hub ahead of the ninth World Urban Forum, the Federations invited Zou Kota-Fredricks, the South African Deputy Minister of Human Settlements, and Parks Tau, president of United Cities and Local Government and the South African Local Government Association to open the hub and engage in discussions on the implementation of the New Urban Agenda.
Click here to visit the relevant blog for further details.
Khayelitsha Open Space upgrading
The Alliance is pleased to share the Khayelitsha (Cape Town) Open Space upgrading project profile. The first area-wide informal settlement upgrading project supported by the Alliance, the project involved upgrading that was prepared, planned and coordinated by community leaders across four settlements via a joint steering committee constituted by these leaders. The realisation of the project and resident reflections highlight physical and social impacts.
To learn more please read the project profile here.
Written by: Kwanda Lande