State of Local Governance Project
The GGLN continues to make its mark in the public sphere through its annual 'State of Local Governance’ publication, which comprises contributions from member organisations including peer reviewed papers and short project profiles / perspectives related to an annually identified theme. As our flagship research project, this publication offers a civil society-based assessment of the key challenges, debates and progress with governance and development at local level in South Africa.

Managers Forum
The GGLN Managers Forum has been run since 2011, and provides a regular meeting space for the leadership of GGLN member organisations. Structured as a two day retreat, it facilitates strategic reflection, networking and peer learning.

Network Meetings
The GGLN convenes one to two Members Meetings per annum, which create an opportunity for members to reflect, learn and share their work and related challenges and successes. These Members Meetings create important opportunities for knowledge sharing, networking and sector strengthening.

Communication, engagements and influence
The GGLN Secretariat compiles a newsletter which includes contributions from member organisations. This resource highlights the latest events and happenings within the sector, as well as provides updates from Member organisation activities, as well as the Secretariat.
The network has been formally represented on a number of external structures including Local Government Action, the Department of Planning Monitoring and Evaluation’s Citizen-Based Monitoring Framework Committee, and the DPME’s Strengthening Monitoring and Performance Management for the Poor project. The GGLN is also regularly invited to participate in events organised by external stakeholders in various civil society organisations and public institution entities. Sign up to our newsletter below for the latest news and updates.